A caring community is a happy community, especially when everyone shares in the responsibility of loving their neighbours. Caring is a team effort.
Our Care Group aims to work with our Minister in caring for the people of our congregation and meets once a month to discuss any pastoral concerns and to find effective ways of communicating and bringing the congregation together in love and care for each other.
A system has been set up where Elders and Carers are allocated a number of families in our congregation to take ‘under their wing’ to keep in touch regularly and offer friendship and a listening ear. In addition, another group looks after visitation of elderly folk.
A ‘List of Attendees’ is kept and is updated every month to ensure that new people are included and allocated a Carer.
A number of families now receive our monthly newsletter, News & Notes, electronically, though some people can receive a hardcopy version (on request to our Church Office via office@allsaintsfloreat.com.au).
‘Welcomers’ play an important role in greeting new people at the door before the church service and ensure they receive a Visitors’ Card and an Information Leaflet of our activities. Once a month a ‘Getting to Know You’ profile (with photo) introduces a new family to the congregation.
The Care Group also looks after the smooth running of relational groups such as the Friendship and Craft Groups, and Prayer Chain.
Visiting the sick is important, and meals are prepared in emergencies.